Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Busy Lady Bake-Off Brownies

I don't know about you, but I'm one busy lady. So busy, that when I have a craving for something chocolate, gooey and high in every single carbohydrate I can think of, I don't have the time to consider driving through Starbucks for a brownie. Hell no. I've got too much going on. Why, I have to run to the grocery for semi-sweet chocolate pieces, butter, flour, frosting mix, coconut, milk, eggs and salt! I mean, who has the time to pick up a brownie on the run?

Thank goodness that Pillsbury included some of their speedy sweets in The Pillsbury Busy Lady Bake-Off Recipes cookbook (c)'66! What was a gal to do? Rachael Ray and her 30-minute ways wasn't even born yet. Boy did the ladies struggle in the 60s. Talk about women's suffrage! And all this talk is making me hungry for:Coco-Nutty Brownies
{thanks to Mrs. Gerald Prochnow, Milwaukee, Wisconsin - hey, please tell me I'm not the only person who gets a kick out of spelling Milwaukee}

1 cup (6-ounce package) semi-sweet chocolate pieces
1/2 cup Land O'Lakes Butter [I always wonder, does this name offend my Native American friends?]
1 cup [wait for it...] Pillsbury's Best Flour (Regular, Instant Blending* or Self-Rising)
1 package [surprise again!] Pillsbury Two Layer Size Coconut-Almond Frosting Mix**
1/2 cup milk
1 egg
1/4 teaspoon salt

Melt chocolate pieces and butter in medium saucepan over low heat. Remove from heat. Add flour, packet of frosting mix, milk, egg and salt; beat until well blended. Stir in packet of coconut and almonds. Spread in greased 11x17 or 9x9-inch pan. Bake at 350 for 20 to 25 minutes. Cut into squares. Cool.

In all honesty, the flavor is much better than any Starbucks brownie that's passed through my lips [and to my hips]. Even though I had no Pillsbury Two Layer Size Coconut-Almond Frosting Mix [see **] on hand, and I subbed marshmallows, and chemical-laden Bob Greene Best Life "butter," these were a pretty sweet snack. I'd go on and on with adjectives to describe these almost-award winners, but I'm simply too damn busy to bother.

*What in the hell is this?
**WTF is this?


  1. I gained a few pounds just looking at the picture.

  2. Oh, my darling, you are so young...

    1 cup [wait for it...] Pillsbury's Best Flour (Regular, Instant Blending* or Self-Rising)

    Instant blending was "special" flour (you can still buy it) that came in cans specifically for making gravy. Superfine flour so it won't lump.

    1 package [surprise again!] Pillsbury Two Layer Size Coconut-Almond Frosting Mix**

    This was my FAVORITE thing in the universe. You know the frosting in German chocolate cakes (the stuff on the top and middle)? You made this with milk, butter and the box mix and it was HANDS DOWN so close to homemade that I can't believe people eat that crap premade in a can. I make my own now. They had two kinds, one with pecans and one with almonds.

    You can see a can of the premade crap here:
