Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cooky Love

Okay, so Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. Ugh. 6 more weeks until so-called spring. The only thing that was going to cheer my household was a batch of valentine cookies. And these yums from the multi-generational tried & true Betty Crocker's New Boys and Girls Cookbook (c)'65 sweetened our sour winter mood - Betty had a stroke of genius when she baked them...

"Did you ever 'paint' a cooky? Well you can with Egg Yolk Paint - as bright and beautiful as any artist's colors. Remember these cookies for something to do on a rainy day." --Betty
Paintbrush Cookies
Mix thoroughly in bowl:
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup soft shortening
2/3 cup honey
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
Stir together in another bowl:
2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon salt
  • Mix these dry ingredients into shortening mixture. Chill dough 1 hour.
  • Heat overn to 375. Lightly grease a baking sheet.
  • Divide chilled dough into 3 portions.
  • On a lightly floured board [beware, you will become majorly floured yourself], roll out dough with floured rolling pin. Roll to 1/4-inch thickness. Cut into different shapes.
  • Place on prepared baking sheet. With small paintbrushes paint designs on cookies with Egg Yolk Paint [see below. and see how I f-ed it up*].
  • Bake 8-10 minutes. For clear colors, do not let cookies brown.
  • Let cookies cool about 2 minutes on baking sheet, then cool on a wire rack.
  • Makes about 5 dozen cookies [um, not true - I think we netted 2 dozen, and that's without noshing on raw dough].
Egg Yolk Paint*
Blend well in a small bowl:
1 egg yolk
1/4 teaspoon water

Divide mixture among several small custard cups. Add a different food coloring to each cup to make bright colors. If "paint" thickens, add a few drops of water.

*How I f-ed it up: I had us "paint" the cookies with raw egg yolk AFTER baking them. Have you begun to notice that I'm not one of those read-the-recipe-through-before-you-bake/cook/prepare-a-meal people? Regardless, these cookies are sweet. Literally. The honey is obvious in every bite and the "paint" gives them a stained-glass look. I hope the guardian angels are watching over my kids as they nosh on their tainted cookies this week.

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