Monday, September 14, 2009

Kitschen Know-How

Behold the busy gal's all-around kitschy kitchen know-how. And how.

Neighbor Brad brought his mom's beaut of a Betty Crocker cookbook - Betty Crocker's NEW PICTURE Cook Book circa '61 to be exact - by tonight for me to borrow and it's begging me to share its secrets. It's best that we revel in this retro bible in bites.

Tonight? Take note, happy homemakers, as I spin for you VERBATIM my favorite tips of Betty's tabbed...

  • If you have a freezer, make several cakes, pies, cookies, main dishes or sandwiches at a time and freeze some for future use.
  • Plan and organize daily work while working with hands [peeling potatoes, sweeping floor, etc.]
  • Every morning before breakfast comb hair, apply makeup and a dash of cologne. Does wonders for your morale and your family's too!
  • Think pleasant thoughts while working and a chore will become a "labor of love."
  • Have a hobby. Garden, paint pictures, look through magazines for home planting ideas, read a good book or attend club meetings. Be interested - and you'll always be interesting!
  • If you have a spare moment, sit down, close your eyes and just relax.
  • Alternate sitting-down tasks and standing-up tasks. Don't be on your feet too long.
  • Wear comfortable shoes and easy-fitting clothes while working.
  • Stand erect. Good posture prevents fatigue.
  • Have sink, work table, counter tops at a height that is comfortable to eliminate strain. If dishpan is too low, set it on a box.
  • Use a dust mop and long-handled dust pan. Use self-wringing mop to prevent stooping.*
*Repeat after me: I will not stoop. I will prevent fatigue. I will perform housework like a pearl and polyester-wearing robot.

This is just the tip of the tabbed advice from Betty. JUST THE TIP!

And by the way ladies, Brad's a single gent who could culinary convert you - or so he claims. Your call.


  1. Ahem. Brad does NOT live with his mom. He has his own damn house, and a job, thankyouverymuch.

  2. Refresh your spirits, huh? Just a small glass of sherry for me, please.

    Or a large g and t. Either one is fine!

    I adore Betty Crocker, she is a riot. I have many of her literary masterpieces. Do you have a booklet she wrote called Frankly Fancy Foods? I wrote a post at Kitchen Retro awhile back on a recipe in there, called Cock Kabobs. Hee hee.

  3. Cock Kabobs? I must get my hands on one!

  4. Thank you so much for the tips! Who knew all I needed was a touch of rouge and a dab of perfume to make toilet scrubbing less of a chore?
