Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Betty's Kids Party Hearty - with a Nut Hunt

Paging through Betty Crocker's Party Book [looking for kitschy kiddy ideas for Margie's 4th birthday - which has since been set in stone as an Alice in Wonderland topsy-turvy tea party] I came across the nuttiest party game. Ever.

Betty suggests a "My Pet Party" for boys and girls 4 to 6 years old because...
"At this age children begin to take a real interest in pets - both friendly family pets and exotic, imaginary pets they'd like to have"
Okay. This is all true. My kids dig the zoo, like to make animal noises at the kitchen table and are in love with our dog [Mr. Stubbs] and crabby tabby [Oona]. Betty had me there. So I read on...
[hey kid, have you seen my nuts?]

What To Do?
"Nut Hunt for Kittens and Puppies:
Hide about 30 unshelled walnuts or pecans about the room. Divide children into two teams - the kittens and the puppies. Have them practice mewing and barking. At the signal, they start hunting for the nuts. But instead of picking up a nut, they must stand by it mewing or barking until mother or the other grown-up helping with the party comes to put it in the team bag.
The team finding the most nuts wins.

I think I just found the most nuts - the entire Betty Crocker creative team in 1960.


  1. "But instead of picking up a nut, they must stand by it mewing or barking until mother or the other grown-up helping with the party comes to put it in the team bag."

    Yeah, nothing like a room full of small children barking and mewling to make an adult grab a martini shaker and go for it.


  2. I think I'll have one of these for adults, by adding a petting element to the mix. (This is one of the craziest things I've seen in a while!) Stan
