Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tipsy Tuesday: When Amelia Bellied up to the Bar...

...she likely ordered one of these from the barkeep.Aviator

2 ounces gin
3/4 ounce fresh-squeezed lemon juice
2 teaspoons maraschino liqueur

Shake. Strain. Sip. & Fly high this happy hour!


  1. I've never heard of maraschino liqueur but I totally want some. Is it really like, alcohol? Or just the stuff from around the cherries? I love that flavor - lots of people things its gross.. but I love it. So what do you think?


  2. it's booze. sweet, sweet booze. i'd love to try one [or two - in honor of the biplane] of these, too!

  3. Yep, just the juice from the cherries made into likker, Crazy mom! I'm a vodka girl myself. If I make this drink with vodka, I would call it a "Sully".

  4. Oh that truly sounds YUMMY! You think they still make it or is it something from the 60's?

  5. Crazy: Yep!! http://www.njwineseller.com/sku6144.html?utm_source=Google%20Products&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=STOCK%20MARASCHINO%20LIQUEUR%2060@

    It comes in all prices. Just do a search and you'll see - there are some $80+ bottles out there!!

  6. OMG they sell it in NJ?????? I just fainted...

  7. I love these, Heidi. I started drinking them in the fall and became addicted. Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur is not that hard to find! And worth the little extra money. Maraska is cheaper but also tastes it.
