Thursday, January 28, 2010

Randomness is next to Godliness. Right?

My friend Amy tagged me regarding reporting random riffs about myself.
Here is my lucky number 7:
[but alas, Treet will never be my signature stench]
1. I wish I had a signature scent. Some days it's all I can do to remember to brush my teeth, let alone spritz something fruity, frilly or naughty on my pulse points.[hope feet don't creep you out - these are mine]
2. I hate socks. My toes like to breathe.
Preferably in surfer dude reef flip-flops.[this poster makes me want my walkman back every time]
3. I can really cut a rug when accompanied by the song Footloose. Not only do Kevin Bacon & I share birthdays, we share mad dance moves, too.
[this is one of my favorites of Ben]
4. I love, love, love taking photos - I even dork out and use the 'rule of thirds' I learned in 6th grade mini-courses. No person, place or thing is safe when I am nestled behind the lens.
[we like to enjoy our cheese on the teeter-totter]
5. I like being married to a tall gent. Tom is tall, dark and handsome - so a short girl like me [no matter how stout] will always appear petite when snuggled under his arm
[and I get to get on my toes to kiss him - how romantic].
[their personalities are blatantly obvious, eh?]
6. Ben thinks I'm the 'best-best-best mom ever'.
Marge likes to trump him with a 'best-best-best-best mom ever'. I like that game. Even on the days I feel I don't quite deserve it.
[rachel baked these]
7. Cupcakes. Sushi. I could exist on both and little else [my fantastic fam nonwithstanding].


  1. Very handsome hubby and adorable children!!

    Footloose is one of those kind of songs - makes you wiggle.

    Don't your toes get cold in the winter?


  2. I just stumbled upon your blog, so happy I found you. Great posts. My hubby is tall too 6 ft. 4 inches I'm 5 foot 8 inches ( used to be 5 ft 9 but I shrunk in the wash). I love looking up at him.
    Wishing you happiness, Katherine
